Unlock the World of IT Managed Services

We manage IT – you run business

black wallet with money


and cost-effective rates

Rocket ship as symbol of project launch 3D illustration [Converted]

Smooth grow of business

without IT challenges

Mask group256

Flexible enough to meet unique needs

of every client

We understand problems small businesses face:

  • challenges with complex IT issues  and lack of in-house IT experts to solve them
  • system downtimes ruin productivity and negatively impact business
  • current IT setup does not keep pace with the growing business expectancy
  • Increasing frequency of cyber threats that endanger sensitive data




Bring your IT problems to us, we know how to solve them!

Tell us about your problem and we will contact you within 24 hours to assist

What IT issues do you face?

Managed IT Services

IT Data Management

  • Organizing, storing & protecting data
  • Authentication & encryption tools
  • Data storage and backup solutions

Enterprise IT Management & Services

  • Hardware, software, network, app tech support
  • Patch management of drivers & third-party applications
  • End-User remote and onsite support

Printer Support

  • Purchase, setup & inventory management
  • Automated replenishment: cartridges, toners, consumables
    24/7 devices monitoring

Cyber Security Support

  • System, network & information security
  • Real-time analytics & reporting
  • Defense against suspicious activity

Proactive Monitoring

  • IT infrastructure, system and server monitoring
  • Application Performance monitoring
  • Detecting IT issues while they are small and easy to handle

IT Consulting

  • IT plan & strategy including disaster recovery
  • IT infrastructure auditing for the business
  • End-User remote and onsite support

IT Staff Augmentation

  • Closing the IT department shortfall
  • Delivery of IT resources under contract
  • Staff on-call whenever required

IT equipment Services

Hardware Procurement & Warranty Management

  • Equipment sourcing: support in picking the best models at partner prices
  • Vendor coordination or repair and warranties
  • Contracts and licenses renewal

IT Asset management &

  • Installation, configuration & repair of IT hardware
  • Movement and relocation management
  • Retired equipment pickup and disposal

Application Services

Virtualization &
Private Cloud

  • Virtual machines and applications
  • Microsoft 365 Solutions
  • IP Telephony

Web Application Services

  • Managed deployment
  • Private cloud hosting
  • Apps development on-demand

How to become our partner

Group 39549
Mask group
Group 39550
Group 39553

Start with a free consultation to understand your IT needs

Get a personalized offer with monthly subscription rate

Enjoy the smooth work

We will create the appropriate visual for your project or idea

Design is the face of the company. Take care of how the consumer perceives you and create the right impression.

We will help your business to reach a new level

An effort towards building effective Information Technology based solutions.
Un effort pour créer des solutions efficaces basées sur les technologies de l’information.